Author: idiotfanboy

New Ninja Turtles DVD Box Set

Finally the original TMNT show is being released in a useful boxed set! Those godawful one-part-at-a-time seasons got annoying real quick. This baby’s got 23 discs and a wonderful Turtle Van (or “Party Wagon”, if you prefer) packaging, all for about a hundred bucks. Leaves me enough cash for pizza.

By idiotfanboy 2012-08-30 Off

Rocketeer Reboot!! Rumor mill is saying that this is the next big live-action project from Disney. Now I’ve been saying Bradley Cooper would make a great Rocketeer for years, I’m hoping Disney agrees, just so I can say I told ya so.

By idiotfanboy 2012-08-22 Off

Apparently Finding Nemo 2 is in the works. This one should probably end with Nemo’s father losing custody because he is unfit to be a parent.

By idiotfanboy 2012-08-22 Off

tumblr_m8tu2ifvty1rcv18k Our first podcast! Expect to hear us talk about wizard world 2012, The Walking Dead, and other random nonsense!

By idiotfanboy 2012-08-16 Off

Raiders in IMAX and rumored Jurassic Park in 3D.  I will gladly support anything that puts classic movies back in theaters, while simultaneously keeping the creators too busy to come up with more awful sequels. (Source:

By idiotfanboy 2012-08-15 Off

These are the Honorary Idiots, you will hear from these guys from time to time. Ryan on the left. Shane AKA The Worst on the right. 

By idiotfanboy 2012-08-14 Off